Thursday, January 17, 2013

Page Feature Test

I just tested out the Page Feature in Blogger. When I pull up the list of my blogs and click on the name of one of them, it gives me several options on the left side. One of those features is "Pages". I clicked on the link for "Pages" and there was an option available to click called "New Page" with an arrow. When I clicked on "New Page", two options pulled up: "Blank Page" and "Web Address". I picked "Blank Page" and added a new page to the blog that I named "Ideas for Healthy, Great Tasting, Gluten-Free Blog" (see link on right side tab).

I also changed the "Show pages as" feature to "Side Links" from "Don't Show". There was also an option to "Top Tabs", but I prefer to have them listed on the right. When I clicked out of there and viewed my blog, there was no page shown on the right side with the listing of my posts (there was one at the time). I went back in and changed the "Show pages as" feature again before clicking back on my blog and going to view my blog again. There was still no link to my new page, and I was quite perturbed. I went back into the "Pages" feature and realized there is a button at the top that has to be clicked appropriately called "Save Arrangement".

Now I know that young folks on the internet probably already knew to look for that button; however, I am still new to this whole world of blogging. I love to write and think it would be wonderful to be paid for my rambling. I'm really just kidding because I believe in what I write. I write about things that I have a passion for, and right now, that passion is to help others navigate the world of blogging as I am. Maybe I should have titled my new blog "Blogging for Beginners 101" or something else appropriate like that. I really wanted to just test out the features. Does anyone know how to change the name of a blog or are you stuck with it once you pick a name? I presume it is the latter, but I would prefer if it is the former. Please comment here if you know!

Many blessings to you!

1 comment:

  1. I figured it out! I pulled up my blog, and under "Settings" on the left, it pulls up "Basic". I was able to change the Title under the Basic section and the Blog Address under the Publishing section, saving each section after the change was made. It was actually quite simple. I'm loving this!


I welcome your comments or suggestions.